CAOSP abstracts, Volume: 53, No.: 1, year: 2023

Abstract: In this study, remote sensing methods, a multicriteria decision analysis, and the GIS program were used to determine the most suitable sites for the construction of an astronomical observatory. The study was conducted within the provincial boundaries of Erzincan, where there is not yet an observatory. The study identified and analyzed meteorological, geographic and anthropogenic factors (cloud cover, precipitable water, wind speed, geology and landslides, active fault lines, digital elevation model, urban lighting, mining activities, distance to roads). The areas proposed as a result of the study were plotted on the city map. It is important to reduce the number of eligible areas to be site tested by performing the work prior to the site testing phase, which is one of the phases required for the construction of the observatory. This study will provide energy, time, and cost savings by reducing the number of alternative areas. As a result of the preliminary study we conducted to select the most suitable site for the observatory, the final decision should be made after the proposed areas have been subjected to the site test phases.

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