------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFAULT OPTION - Quiet Sun (QS): - target: disk center for all instruments - TRACE : 160nm channel OTHER OPTION - Active region (AR): - target: active region or its renmants near the disk center - TRACE : 19.5nm channel COMMON THINGS: - all other instruments have the same observing procedure for both QS and AR measurements - PREFERRED OBSERVING TIME SLOT: CDS_MDI+EIT/SOHO, TRACE, SOT+XRT/Hinode: 07:00 - 13:30 EIS/Hinode: ~09 - ~13 UT - ROTATION COMPENSATION: SOHO : none (also CDS) Hinode : yes (all instruments) if disk center observed then to have x~=0 at 10UT DOT : yes if disk center observed then to have x~=0 at 10UT