---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COORDINATION DUTY LIST: v.1 (8/8/07) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- time - UT positions - (x,y) in " 'xxxx.txt' - file linked to the campaign web page 'XXXXXXXX' - item on the campaign web page ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ check situation on the Sun using links 'SUN TODAY' at the web page of the campaign (if you have other useful addresses send them to me) 2/ check instrument plans using notes already written in 'planning.txt' file sing links and 'COORDINATION' at the web page of the campaign 3/ considering cooperations/conflicts with other SOHO and/or HINODE campaigns to decide on the program (QS network dynamics near disk center or AR microflares) and target - limitations: SOHO period : till Aug 17 (or so, depending on start of the keyhole) time : 07-13:30 UT (CDS 06:40-13:40) instruments : CDS, MDI (EIT with synoptic and 195 images are coming without our requests) HINODE period: Aug 18-23 time : 08-12 UT instruments: SOT, EIS, XRT other limitations - see 'planning.txt' file 4/ specify the target until ~12:00 UT day before (on Friday also for Sun, and Mon besides Sat) 5/ inform on the target sending emails to addresses of instrument planners: SOHO : soc@soc.nascom.nasa.gov (SOHO coordinator) alex.young@gsfc.nasa.gov, (SOHO person of contact) CDS : planner@cdso8.nascom.nasa.gov, cdsplanner@gmail.com, (CDS planner) MDI : mdi-ops@mdisas.nascom.nasa.gov, gregory@mdisas.nascom.nasa.gov, (MDI planner SARAH GREGORY) TRACE : trace_planner@lmsal.com, trace_planner@cheyenne.nascom.nasa.gov (TRACE planner) DOT : P.Suetterlin@astro.uu.nl, gomory@astro.sk HVAR : bvrsnak@geodet.geof.hr, asv@igam06ws.uni-graz.at, manuela.temmer@uni-graz.at KH : baumgartner@kso.ac.at, otruba@kso.ac.at, werner.poetzi@uni-graz.at HINODE: sot_co@solar.isas.jaxa.jp, eis_co@solar.isas.jaxa.jp, xrt_co@solar.isas.jaxa.jp in each message there has to be in the subject text 'sot_co', 'eis_co', 'xdrt_co' resp. 6/ posting the target information in the 'planning.txt' file at the web page 7/ write detail information on data acquired each day by all instruments to the 'notes.txt' log file including some summary notes 8/ save recent images and movies from the particular instruments - CDS, EIT, MDI, TRACE, HINODE - provided at their web pages to the your local disks (here sources are linked at the campaign web page 'XXXXXX' but also direct address is given): CDS recent rasters: from 'SOHO/CDS REALTIME IMAGES' http://solar.bnsc.rl.ac.uk/cgi-bin/viewimg.new several times per day as complete web pages (with images) to ~/campaigns/07_dot/cds_recent/ as e.g cds_0308_074603.html (subdirectory with images cds_0308_074603_files/) EIT synoptic: from 'THE VERY LATEST SOHO IMAGES' http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/realtime/realtime-update.html#top to ~/campaigns/07_dot/eit_synoptic/ as e.g. 03082007_0700_171.gif, 03082007_0706_284.gif, 03082007_0719_304.gif, 03082007_0725_195.gif MDI images: from 'INDEX OF MDI RECENT GIF FILES' http://mdisas.nascom.nasa.gov/health_mon/gif_mag_index.html to ~/campaigns/07_dot/mdi_synoptic/ as e.g. mdi_last_20070803_0903.gif from 'THE VERY LATEST SOHO IMAGES' http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/realtime/realtime-update.html#top to ~/campaigns/07_dot/mdi_synoptic/ as e.g. smdi_maglc_re_20070803_0853.gif TRACE movies: from 'RECENT TRACE MOVIES' http://trace.lmsal.com/last_movies/ to ~/campaigns/07_dot/trace/ as e.g. tra_171_03082007_0718-1331.mpg TRACE file lists: from '1-DAY TRACE FILE LIST' http://chippewa.nascom.nasa.gov/TRACE/health_mon/gif/txt_per_image_1day.txt to ~/campaigns/07_dot/trace/ as e.g. trace_file_list_03082007_1day.txt HINODE last images: from 'RECENT HINODE IMAGES' http://solar-b.nao.ac.jp/latest_e/ to ~/campaigns/07_dot/hinode/ as e.g. sot_gb_20070807_0300.gif or sot_ca_20070807_0300.gif - taken each day at 03:00 only HINODE movies: from 'RECENT HINODE MOVIES' http://solar-b.nao.ac.jp/QLmovies/index_e.shtml selecting particular day and dowloading MPG files taken in our 07-13UT time to ~/campaigns/07_dot/hinode/ as e.g. sot_gb_20070806_1201-1558.mpg - available only next day